Sunday, October 10, 2010

Must... write... MOAR!!

And yes, I misspelled "more". I did that on purpose.

So, I've come up with so many ideas, I can't possibly list them all here. Since I can't have any direct download links on a blog, and my website is dead, I'll just have to sum up some stuff here:

*I have characters in the Magic Hotel book
*The Chronicles of the Dragon Keeper series is in need of a new title
*The Book of Secrets series is also in need of a new title
*Gimbalda is the final series title for something that I'll go into more detail about soon... keep checking back!
*The book about superheroes who are killed by the government needs a title. Period.

Tomorrow, it's not likely I'll post anything because I'll be at Six Flags with my sister and her boyfriend. So check back next Saturday for MOAR!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Okay, not really.

Since I have finally found a way to do my homework and still have time for blog posts, I shall try to remember to do this daily.

Anyway, my planned books (now up to five) are:
*The Book of Secrets (tentative title)
*Chronicles of the Dragon Keeper (tentative title)
*Untitled book about superheroes who are killed by the government
*Untitled book about elementary school kids who get sent to a hotel with a mystery
*Gimbalda: Gate to the Golden Land (tentative title)

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Tomorrow I will have more details about the first untitled book (about the superheroes).
