Sunday, November 14, 2010

Writing on Sunday

In the month since I last wrote about writing, I have done lots of writing. I've done brainstorming on the hotel one, including characters and a plot! I've done nothing on Gimbalda or anything else, and it's likely that most, if not all, of the others will be dropped, unless people really like the Magic Hotel book. Oh man, this is going to be great! Here's a little plot summary:

A group of elementary school kids are all part of the same club. They all have disabilities, and their favorite teacher is the mom of two of them (again with the odd wording). They have all been bullied--several times, in fact--and the teacher is really worried. The principal says he's been doing something to fix it, but it seems to be getting worse. The teacher finally decides they all need a break, so she takes their entire group to a hotel, with the principal's reluctant permission.

At the hotel, they meet a very kindly old man; he's the manager and he's very happy to see them because business has been doing bad. Customers had been complaining about strange things going on at the hotel. The kids love it, and naturally decide to investigate (after all, they believe in the supernatural). They soon discover a portal to an alternate universe, ruled by an evil overlord. He has a secret identity on Earth, and it's shocking who!

So, that's the one book; I've been focusing on that one for the most part, not at all on Gimbalda, and on the others a very little bit. Any suggestions are appreciated!


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